
Final Task CCR

Hello this is my creative critical reflection. I uploaded 3 separate videos including the questions. I would have uploaded these videos as a whole, but I could not because the video was too large to be embedded into this blog. I hope you enjoy.  

Final Task

This project took a lot of time and effort. I worked very hard on this project. I am very excited to present my final task. I hope you enjoy.

Production Blog-I am finally done

In my last blog, I described how much editing I done so far. One of the biggest problems I had when editing was the length. My final task was entirely way too long. Although I did shorten some of the clips on my phone before uploading them into the editing software my video was still over 2 minutes. Even after doing the short little cutting in iMovie my movie was 5 minutes and 45 seconds long in total and I had to find a way to shorten this all down to two minutes. Initially I tried shortening all my titles and try to keep everything else. But this wasn't enough my video was still too long. Next I began removing a few of my scenes and titles that I felt didn't have to be included. When I say I "removed my titles" I didn't actually remove them I just decided to put the titles at the start of my scene. I removed backgrounds for instance the ones on the dresser because some of them were pointless. Cutting my video down to 2:00 minutes was extremely difficult. I ended

Production Blog-Editing

 Last blog I finished filming practically all the scenes for my film. The only thing I was missing was the picture for the background for one of my titles. I wasn't able to do this last week because I did not have access to a printer at the time. But this weekend I was able to go a library and print the picture out to fit the picture frame. This week I did a lot of editing using this website called "clip champ". I added music to my video but I felt like it was too loud during the parts where there were dialogue in some scenes.  I didn't want to decrease the volume of my music for the whole video only for when the scenes actually started. I'm thinking about probably just cutting the music off after the last title slide I feel like it would flow a little better. I'm still indecisive at the moment but for now I'm keeping the music playing the entire time.  My final task was too long at first so I tried to shorten some of my titles. I felt like that was the be

Production Blog- Filming with a Dash of Editing

In my last blog I stated that I finished filming scenes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Filming these scenes were pretty challenging but I was successful in filming. However I did not know the obstacles that awaited for me ahead. When filming scene 5 it was really hard to go from filming on the phone holder to filming by hand. Trying to record while driving is pretty difficult because holding the camera still is almost impossible. It took and extremely long time to film these car scenes, I took so many retakes. We were driving through our neighborhood for around 15 minutes total trying to get things right. For scene 6, where Ashlynn picked Rena up from school, Ashlynn was originally going to be seated in the passenger side as she did in the previous scene (scene 5). But I soon noticed that it didn't make sense for two sisters to have a conversation while one is in the passenger of an Uber and one is sitting in the backseat alone. I believed this did not make sense because if one sister had th

Production Blog- Almost done filming

Recently I filmed scenes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. For scene 7, I used my sister's phone for this since my phone was being used to record. In order to get the phone to ring I had one of my other sisters use my mom's phone to call my sister's phone and just changed her contact name to "Rena's school". In scene 7 when Ashlynn walks over to Rena's room I decided to have it filmed as a pan rather than having Ashlynn just walk pasts the camera. In scene 8, I showed Rena from a high angle laying in bed. Getting a high angle of her was a little difficult I had to bring a chair into the room to achieve the high angle. In this scene I tried my best to make it look like a shot reverse shot when Rena and Ashlynn were talking. Filming scene 9 was difficult because I had to record scene 9 multiple times to get it right. Because after recording I kept watching the videos I had just recorded to see if the voiceovers would fit correctly. I had my other sister stand on the side

Production Blog- Complications

 In my last blog I mentioned the difficulties I faced when filming scenes 1-5. Despite these challenges I successfully filmed scenes 1 through  4. However, I was unable to film scene 5 due to many complications. For example, when trying to film in the car it was extremely hard for the person in the passenger seat to film and not appear in the frame. So I thought that I should probably just use my uncle's phone holder he keeps on the windshield  of car to replace having the passenger film. This method would only be effective if I drove without a passenger. But I'm only 17 with a learner's license and my permit requires me to be accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old in the passenger seat. I also felt that driving without a passenger while trying to film would be extremely distracting and dangerous. I say it would be distracting because I'd have to stop filming multiple times to get the shots I wanted to include. These were problems I also faced whe